About the Webinar
The advent of Digital Oil Fields significantly brightens the future prosperity of the oil and gas industry. To enable the Data-Driven, technology-powered Future of Oil and Gas Companies, the Internet of Things, otherwise known as IoT, presents various opportunities for the Oil and Gas industry to monitor and analyze key production parameters.
Such as the flow rate, temperature, pressure, tracking of assets, hatch-opening, tamper detection, tank level, the efficacy of cathodic protection, amongst other critical variables.
In this Webinar, We shall discuss the Sigfox LPWAN and the best intrinsically safe, wireless sensors and devices that provide cost-effective data collection with the effective long-distance transmission of data directly to the secure Sigfox LPWAN and on to your platform.
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What you will learn
In this free webinar, you will learn how to implement a Successful Digital Oilfield/Gas Supply Chain strategy and discover how it will help you:

Empower smarter operational decision -making using digital solutions

Enable proactive rather than reactive maintenance and optimization initiatives

Focus human resources on the most impactful issues

Lower risk by improving functionality and visibility

Use data-rich analytics to increase efficiencies

How to join in the stream?
The Webinar will be streamed on

Questions about the webinar?
Email - enquiries@iotafricanetworks.com, or call 07035220423
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